Support Groups

Please note: The resources included here are not endorsed by The Stability Network, and The Stability Network is not responsible for the content of or service provided by any of these resources. These resources may be or may become outdated, as The Stability Network closed in July 2023 and these links have not been monitored since then. We hope they still help lead you to helpful tools and resources.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Directory of local support groups. Also offers a real-time online support group for individuals and a parent online support community.

National Alliance on Mental Illness
Online directory and registration for NAMI recovery support groups offered nationwide. Also offers a directory of family support groups. 

Recovery International
Support through peer-led meetings using a cognitive-behavioral framework.  Offered through local meetings in communities in the U.S., Canada and Ireland. Also offers regularly scheduled telephone meetings, online meetings and chat meetings.

Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America
Online directory of local peer-led support groups.  Also offers multiple weekly conference call groups for diagnosed individuals and family and friends.