I’ve been hospitalized three times. Each time I was alone with my thoughts and reflections – relapse, struggle, disappointment, and hopelessness. I rarely received get well wishes, never flowers to brighten the room. They were the lows of my struggle with mental illness. I felt locked up inside both emotionally and physically. I’ll never forget those times nor those in the hospital.
These experiences are what led me to create my Psych Ward Greeting Cards program, to share a little hope with those who need it most. Since June 2019, I’ve had over a dozen hospital visits, met with hundreds of psychiatric patients to share my lived experience of recovery and distribute donated greeting cards. I’ve received thousands of greeting cards from dozens of card donors across the country and collaborated with the two leading mental health non-profits in New York City. Our program has been very well received and recognized by patients, hospitals, contributors, and partners.
Our patient message exchange is my favorite part of our program. Patients at one hospital write messages for patients at another hospital in blank cards that we provide, and they receive cards with messages from patients at other hospitals. We go around the room and read messages – both shared and received – aloud. They are hopeful messages written and received by patients when they are at their lowest. It is an unbelievably moving and inspiring experience. Many patients cry as I do, even the therapists do. These are memories I will deeply cherish.
It’s a simple program, but rich and full in hope and meaning. It reduces the feeling of stigma. It says to patients, “you are not alone”. To feel cared about and supported can provide a huge boost when people are at their lows. And, in turn, they share their examples of fortitude and resilience. These patients give me hope, inspire me. I hope you’ll join us and even consider starting a similar program in your own community. It is tremendously rewarding. I can think of no better way to share our lived experience of recovery.
Learn more: Our Program and Our Work. Please join us.

Katherine Ponte is a mental health advocate, writer and entrepreneur and lawyer based in New York City. She is the founder of ForLikeMinds, the first online peer-based support community dedicated to people living with or supporting someone with mental illness, and Peersights, a mental illness recovery coaching service. She is also the creator of the Psych Ward Greeting Cards program where she shares her lived experience of recovery with and distributes donated greeting cards to patients in psychiatric units. She has degrees from two leading Canadian universities and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She is a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner. She is also a member of the Stability Network and NAMI-New York City Board of Directors. She is in recovery from Bipolar I Disorder with psychosis.
3 responses to “Cards of Hope”
I love this! You are doing impactful work on so many levels. I hope to see you at the Conference
Stacy Thrall
What a seriously amazing program! Thank you for your work, Katherine.
What a brilliant and loving idea Katherine. I was alone in hospital too so I can imagine how good receiving a card of hope and tenderness would feel. Thank you for sharing your work and service. Karen Polanchek